Tuesday, November 30, 2010

great holiday cards free giveaway!
check it out :)


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween & other such things

Halloween was a lot of fun! Mom and I spent the entire day cooking and baking and decorating. It's not something we normally do for Halloween so it was cool to do something different. Plus, you can't go wrong with lots of yummy food and sweets!

Classes are almost over! I'm working on figure out what I want to take next semester but I'm most excited about my painting class that my mom is taking with me and my photography class! Im SUPER stoked about the photography class. It's not going to be credited toward my degree but I've been wanting to take one for a long time. The camera that I want is really expensive too so I've got to save up for that.

So it's November! I was scheduled to have my tonils taken out on the 13th but that had to be postponed so I can go get bloodwork done tomorrow which I am not too excited about. In fact, I'm dreading it. Seriously. Needles=Bad. Ugh. I'll get through it though! Afterwards Brad and I are going to the Botanical gardens to take pictures. I'm trying to focus on that rather then the bloodwork. Can't wait for my dad and brothers to come home later on this month too. Love Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Im Back! .... Kind of ?

Okay so, here goes yet another attempt to blog .. I don't know what it is but me and journaling/blogging just don't mix well! I try though, I really do. I just don't think my life is interesting enough to write about I guess. I try to keep in mind that years from now I might think differently about what is interesting and what's not.

So, anyways! I guess I'll kind of do a rewind and update on a couple things that have happend in the past few months. Let's see .. I turned 19 this summer. Bradley came home in July! Home for good, Home forever ... you guys have no idea how amazing those words sound to me :) Finished my first semester over the summer. Started my second one in august and now only have about 2 months til it's over. Had some wonderful family weekends with the whole family that I'm grateful for. Brad and I celebrated our two year anniversary which was so nice! I had been planning for months this whole backyard dinner with twinkle lights and the whole shebang but if you know me, you know how I love to procrastinate :) So this is another situation where I had to stop and think "Where would I be without you mom?!" We rushed around a few hours before Brad was supposed to come over and bought all the lights, candles, food, etc. So really it's all thanks to my wonderful mom it turned amazing. It was beautiful, it really was. Brad was even taken aback at how gorgeous it was! Pictures just didn't do justice but I took them anyway. We sat at a candlelit table and ate chicken parmesan with a chocolate dessert with the fire crackling beside us ... It was seriously a great night.

So speaking of fire, we've had the fire place going a couple times this past week. Doesn't sound completely wierd for October right? Well the temperatures been like 50 degrees a below this past week! What is up with North Carolinas wierd weather always skipping around? I guess it decided we were gunna go from summer to winter and not get to enjoy fall! Which sucks because fall is my absolute favorite season.

Other than that, nothing too crazy or exciting has happend. Halloween is coming up and I'm excited for our Halloween party. Then it's Thanksgiving time, which will be very different this year since my mom is having surgery the day before. We'll figure it all out though and make it work. Then its ..... Christmas! I will always love Christmas no matter but I'm almost kind of bummed about it this year :( This year will be the third year in a row that I don't get to spend it with Brad. I guess his family is making plans to go home to Indiana again this year. Totally fine, family comes first! Just a little disappointed since we were so stoked about being able to finally be together this year. Oh well, Christmas will be there the same time next year haha.

Well I guess this is it for my long blog update! Let's try to keep it going this time!